Wednesday, July 31, 2019

French needs to be translated from English to French ASAP

Indochine is the name of the film. The film takes place in the 1930s. (when Vietnam was owned by France) The film is historical, and very dramatic. There are three maln people. There is a woman named Eliane Devries. There is a vietnamese girl named Camille. There Is a young man named Jean-Baptise. Ellane adopted Camille when Camille was very young. The film has a lot of themes. In my opinion the relationship with Elaine and Camille Is supposed to be symbolic of the relatlonshlp between France and French Indo-China.Also, at the core of this story is the theme of unity and oing things for the greater good. People who watch the film can see how individuals working as a unit can alter the course of history. Not only Is there an overall theme In the movie, but there are themes for each individual character. Madame Devries owns and operates a large rubber plantation In Indochina that employs many indentured laborers. Eliane is not married. Eliane raises Camille as her own daughter.She adop ted Camille as a young child, after her parents were killed in a car crash. Eliane lives with her father. She sees herself as an Asian, born n her father's estates, never having been to France, but the Vietnamese see her somewhat differently. Ellane considers Indo-chlna as much her home as It Is for the anonymous laborers who work on her plantation. She Is not cruel, but she is tough and treats the local workers like second class citizens. In my opnion the character of Madame Ellane Devries has three main themes.First, I feel like her character symbolizes the French colonialists through out the film. she a powerful woman. she also has power over tons of Vietnamese people. Her character is the most powerful one in the film. Second, I think that Eliane has a lot of weaknesses. She falls in love with the wrong man, Jean-Baptiste. He left the relationship because he was In love with her daughter. She also has an addiction to opium. Often seeking solace in somking a pipe. After doing res earch I learned the story behind her demeanure. he Is forsty and beautiful Ilke the statue of Marianne, the official symbol of the French Republic. This is also more proof in my theory of her representing

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Be a Good Student Essay

Some people never learn effective study habits in high school. Thus, they may struggle through their first semester of college. A student should figure out how he studies the best. Many people cannot create a quality essay at four in the morning with the music playing and the television on. Although poor study habits may cause the student to struggle, which results in unhappiness, he can become connected by joining clubs, music groups, or sports that will help a person make more friends while balancing his life, thus making him a happier student. So, students should get involved! School does not have to be just about schoolwork. One should find an activity that his school offers, and he should join if his schedule allows. Yet, some people have a harder time adjusting to school than other people and may feel that success is impossible. However, a student can be successful in many ways, such as by being on time for class, managing his time and â€Å"study buddy†. For a student who wants to be successful, he must begin by getting to class on time. To do this, he should make next morning preparations on the night before, such as ironing his garments on the night before class. This will save him at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he may use that time to read the newspaper or take out the garbage. He also should put gasoline in his vehicle after he runs his final errand for the day. This simple task will prevent him from having to wait for an available pump at the gas station in the morning when other people have decided to wait until the last minute to buy gas for their vehicles in their rush to work or school. Then, one should purchase an alarm clock and batteries if he does not already own one. After completing the buying process, he must set this clock two hours before his first class is scheduled to begin. He should set his alarm to wake him with the annoying â€Å"beep, beep, beep† sound rather than the sound of soothing music. He must also resist the urge to hit the snooze button, which could cause him to be late for class if he hits it too many times. By following these simple steps, he will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit him by allowing him to be more focused during class instead of being distracted by the growling of his stomach. He will then have fifteen minutes to take a revitalizing shower, which will awaken his senses, fifteen minutes to groom, ten minutes to brush his teeth, twenty minutes to get dressed, five minutes to start the car and heat or cool the inside, fifteen minutes to drive to school, and ten minutes to get to his seat and settle in. By doing these daily activities in the allotted amount of time, the student will stay on schedule and be on time for class each day. The student must manage his time effectively. To achieve this goal, the student should designate specific hours to study and not take phone calls or accept visits because studying is more effective when the student has no distractions. The student remembers what he studies better at test time than he would if he were to stop periodically to talk on the telephone or visit with his friends. People should think of college as a full-time job by putting in an eight-hour day, including class and study time. This dedication will be evidenced in the student’s grades. One should keep in mind that planning ahead is not as bad as it sounds. For example, if a student’s first class begins at 9:00 a. m. and his last class ends at 1:00 p. m. , he could be done studying by 5:00 p. m. and have plenty of time for visiting with friends and watching television, which make the demands of being a full-time student less stressful. Therefore, students should find a way to make studying beneficial. Some students could really benefit from having a â€Å"study buddy† (someone to study with). The two could schedule a few hours in their assignment notebook for studying, and in the meantime, the two of them should take good notes during each class session. Students should be encouraged to take their own notes instead of borrowing someone else’s. Therefore, the student does not spend unnecessary time trying to make sense of the borrowed notes. Each student can create a quiz using the notes that he took in class. Since most people would not create the exact same materials, this technique should help the student to become prepared for tests, thus ensuring coverage of material from the notes each â€Å"study buddy† has taken during class. The quiz method will help guide the student in determining what study techniques he should use. Being punctual shows that the person respects rules and possesses knowledge of academic policies, managing one’s time and â€Å"study buddy† are all necessities for becoming a successful student. A person must also have certain desirable traits to remain successful. He should have a positive attitude to be assertive. He must have a sense of his goal to know why he gets up each morning at 7:00 a. m. because he could easily get a dead-end job and work the evening shift. He needs to be independent by doing so, he will know that he cannot and should not expect someone else to force him to do well in school. Most importantly, he should make the most of his education adventure. Most people generally get only one opportunity to succeed, so they should not let anything or anyone stand in the way of whatever they are trying to accomplish.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analyzing The Sopranos First Episode

Analyzing The Soprano's First Episode Perhaps a theme of the first episode of The Sopranos is the idea that even people who do bad things and kill others suffer stress and love their families just like anyone else. This is particularly emphasized with the periodic scenes with the psychiatrist and with the number of times depression is discussed. I imagine the tone of this show to be a dark comedy. As such, I would visually create a dark atmosphere with dim lighting and an overall gray hue. I would also make sure that actors’ performances are not too dramatic or poignant and I would emphasize the physical comedy, such as the scene in which Chris and Big Pussy struggle to get Emil’s body into a dumpster and end up just propping it up against the side. Additionally, sound and music choice has an enormous effect on tone. I would make sure that the accompanying score is light and not too emotional in order to ensure that the comedic aspect of the potentially dark show is not lost on viewers. Because I found the scene, as written, so amusing, I decided to analyze the one describe above in which Chris and Big Pussy try to dispose of Emil. In the show itself, I was underwhelmed by the physical humor of trying to toss the body into the dumpster. It makes realistic sense that the body would not be flung very high, but I imagined it flying higher which, for some reason, seems more humorous to me. As if they almost could have gotten the body in. Seeing the situation, however, it seems a little ridiculous that they’re even trying, which is likely the true intended humor. I found it a shame that they cut all of the rest of the messing with the body (though I notice that throughout the show, they have made many cuts to keep the action and story tight). Aside from this, the actor of Chris does a good job appearing very proud and determined (with his â€Å"sleeps with the fishes† quote) and Big Pussy sufficiently exasperated. This is emphasized by Big Pussy’s la bored breathing. I also found that the line change at the end of the scene shifted the power dynamic a bit. While the script made it seem like Big Pussy felt Chris was beneath him and unworthy of hearing an answer (â€Å"I’m gonna tell you?†) the show’s (â€Å"Why would you even ask that?†) is far less condescending. In terms of camera work, I love the way wide shots establish how high the trash bin is. Additionally, the cut to a shot of the body falling over when Big Pussy explains that there are differences in between the current situation and the one from The Godfather emphasizes the ridiculousness and humor in their own pathetic situation. In this respect, the camerawork allows the full extent of the comedy displayed by the actors to be blatantly obvious for the viewers. If I had to direct someone else in how to maintain consistency for the show, I would begin with maintaining the overall humorous tone. As a suspected before I even watched the episode, having a lighthearted soundtrack is paramount to keeping this dark series comical. Additionally, big contrasts in brightly lit shots and dark, shadowy ones in scenes of â€Å"normal† family fun versus scenes of murder, for example is also key to underscore the dichotomy in the characters’ own lives. In terms of performance, the show also hinges on Tommy successfully executing a depressive, anxious role blanketed by an often false-feeling, almost distracted kind of happiness serving as his self-proclaimed â€Å"sad clown† exterior. Carmela, meanwhile, should be simmering with sorrow, displeasure, and even anger as she watches her family her cheating husband, her distant daughter drift from her. There are a number of plot threads established in this first episode that could grow into a full story. To begin, Carmela’s relationship with her daughter should be followed. Additionally, viewers likely would want to see Tommy continue to visit a psychiatrist and see if the Prozac begins to work. (If it does, it would be good to see how that changes the way he acts.) It would be interesting to see whether Chris will ever earn Tormmy’s respect and then, of course, there’s the question of what Junior plans to do to â€Å"take care† of Tommy.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The development of E-Commerce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The development of E-Commerce - Research Paper Example Pure or traditional brick and mortar e-tailing is also constituent of e-commerce. The industry has been growing very steadily over the last two decades but one of the issues that concerns modern day e-commerce is the issues related to the security of business transactions (Andam, 2003, pp.6-13). The history of e-commerce can be dated back to the days when computers, internets and modems were invented. Before 1991, the internet (then popularly known as the Arpanet) was not open for public or commercial uses. Hence, it can be said that the true birth of e-commerce was possible only after the year 1991 when the internet was opened for commercial purposes. Initially the term e-commerce referred only to commercial transactions that took place with the help of electronic media and then latest technology such as EDI and EFT. The process of clearing payments related to business transactions simplified drastically. The lead time also reduced significantly and users soon realized the hidden potential e-commerce and its application the corporate world. The e-commerce was readily accepted in the corporate sector because of cost efficiency, faster transactions, lower cost per transactions, and lower documentation requirements. With the advancement of internet, the popularity of online transactions in US grew very rapidly from the year 1991 (Humphrey, Mansell, & Pare, 1999, pp.31-32). The biggest threat in the virtual world of e-commerce was from the transfer of critical business related information or transactions over the public networks such as the internet. It almost took four years to develop the various security protocols including hypertext transfer protocol (http) that allows the users to get speedy and continuous access to internet (Panagariya, 1999, pp.10-11). In the year 2000, many Western European and American companies represented themselves in the World Wide Web

What aurguments can you make, for and against, the assertion that Essay

What aurguments can you make, for and against, the assertion that democracy has made striking progress in the world during the past decade - Essay Example In a democratic system of governance, eligible citizens choose and replace the government via free and fair elections, all citizens enjoy the protection of human rights, there is freedom and rule of law, and citizens participate actively in all national matters. As such, democracy respects human rights, elections, women, and civil society. Democracy contrasts a monarch or an oligarchy.However, there has been an assertion that democracy has made striking progress in the world during the past decade. This paper will draw arguments for and against the progress of democracy in Turkey, Libya, and Egypt. Turkey may assume the definition of a democratic, unitary, and constitutional nation with a huge cultural diversity. It has a parliamentary system of governance and its constitution governs the centralized state. The nation has respect free and fair elections where eligible citizens elect a president for a seven-year term. The nation has universal suffrage for both sexes where all citizens above 18 years of age have the right to vote. Indeed, all citizens can participate in independent political organizations, access information and services, and own private property. In the past decades, Turkey has grown in terms of protection of fundamental rights and freedoms where perpetrators of extrajudicial killings can now face trial. Moreover, the military have taken control of the government for three times but later withdraws to allow for the resumption of democratic governance. (Turkone 1). Additionally, Turkey have shown great respect for the rule of law and the Sacred Law, as well as embracing cultural diversity and respect for the ethnic minority. Notably, previous governments introduced successive phases of limited democracy in preparation for full democracy as they encouraged the rise of civil society. However, the progress of democracy in Turkey has been very challenging as the country faced various controversies (Lewis 1) about individual liberties and freedom of w omen. Indeed, the country’s address on the  Kurdish issue (Turkone 1) contracts democratic ideals and human rights in Turkey faced international condemnation where Turkey violated the most human rights in the Council of Europe. The country had no respect for Kurdish rights, the right to life, women's rights and press freedom, and freedom from torture. The country exercised major crackdowns on press freedoms and arrested many journalists. Moreover, the constitutional problems in Turkey challenge democratic ideals. Notably, Turkey lacks a democratic identity and a democratic tradition but has made significant progress in the last decade. On the other hand, Libya is a parliamentary nation under a temporary Constitutional Declaration and governed by the General National Congress. Libya has depicted total disregard for democracy in the past decade. Indeed, the former president of Libya, Gaddafi rose to power through a military coup and ruled for 40 years. He had no respect for d emocracy as he retained all power, disregarded civil society, had no respect for human rights, and did not allow for active participation in national matters by the Libyans (â€Å"UN† 1). Libya banned all political parties from 1972 and all elections were nonpartisan under law. Indeed, Libyans did not participate in democratic elections for 47 years (â€Å"Foreign and Commonwealth Office† 1). However, the urge for democracy led to the revolution, which removed the Gadhafi government. Indeed, the National Transitional Council introduced multiparty democracy as the face of the revolution. Notably, the NTC declared Libya as a new democracy in 2010 where it promised to guarantee the rule of law, respect for civic and human

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Evaluation of the Visual Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Evaluation of the Visual Environment - Essay Example Knowledge of these properties makes it possible for people understand, analyze and design interactions between objects, surfaces and light. The difference in the behaviour of light on different surfaces defines its properties. While discussing the various properties of light, this essay will consider a bathroom and how light behaves on different surfaces in the bathroom. Bathrooms differ according to people’s tastes and preferences; while some are small, others are large. However, a typical bathroom approximately measures 2.5 meters in length by 1.5 n in the breath. Although the finishing of bathrooms differs substantially, this paper will consider a standard bathroom with white walls, furnished with white tiles and a grey floor. From the ceiling is gypsum fitted with warmly lit bulbs to offer adequate light for the person bathing. A door made of transparent glass opens to a hallway fitted with a dressing table made of marble on one side, with a huge mirror standing on one side of the table. Different things stand on the table, with a glass vessel holding a couple of bathing soaps, ointments and apparatus. A dark curtain ensures the privacy of the person bathing. In the bathing cubicle, fitted on three walls are mirrors standing from the floor to the top of the ceiling. Light naturally travels in straight lines and as such behaves differently whenever it lands on different surfaces (Vandergriff, n.d). While some reflect light in the bathroom, others absorb it, others refract and others transmit light. Mirrors are made of extremely smooth surfaces and as such, they reflect light at the same incidence at which it lands on the mirror. Whenever light hits a mirror, it bounces off, and as such, this forms the image that people see whenever in front of a mirror. While the mirror reflects light due to its smooth surface, tiles do not form images since their surfaces are not as smooth.  Instead of tiles reflecting light at the same angle at which it lands on their surfaces, they reflect it at different angles, a reason why there is no resultant image from these surfaces.     

Friday, July 26, 2019

Describe the product or service your business provides and a Essay

Describe the product or service your business provides and a description of the market it serves - Essay Example A number of football clubs (such as Manchester United, FCB Barcelona) in Europe make enormous amount of money through merchandizing. Apart from club’s official products, goods such as jerseys, hats, watches, bags, mugs etc. can also be brought at specialist sports shops in Europe. Despite a late start, Soccer has been growing its popularity in US In the past few decades. America’s better than expected international performance in the recent FIFA World Cup has lifted people’s interest in the sport. My business idea is to develop a chain of specialist sports shops deal in soccer merchandize and sports equipment. The following write-up describes the business idea in detail in terms of the overall market, anticipated growth and competition, products description and marketing plan. Soccer Market in US Over the last few decades, professional and amateur soccer has made noteworthy strides in the US. As of 2007, there were 14 million soccer players and over 2 million hou seholds having young soccer participants in the country. The following graph shows the comparison of sports popularity in different age groups implying that it is a youth-centered sport in America. Because of this, soccer has attracted the attention of advertisers from companies such as Starbucks, Addidas, Nike and other youth oriented products. Major League Soccer (MLS) and US Soccer Leagues are the two best known soccer leagues in US with over 16 member Clubs. Soccer in US gained more recognition with the arrival of foreign football stars such as David Beckham, Thierry Henry, Freddie Ljungberg and Cuauhtemoc Blanco playing for MLS clubs. The richest club in US, LA Galaxy is worth $100 million (2008). As the game has gained such wide acceptance in US, it is a great market for merchandizing business adopting the European model. Business Idea The concept behind my business idea is to build a specialist soccer outlet selling all products and goods related to soccer including soccer ge ar, equipment and related goods. Soccer Merchandise Products: The following chart gives an overview of the products that would be sold at my Soccer Specialty Store (SSS) for various clubs and leagues: Distribution Channels: In the business of sports retail, it is essential to have and efficient supplier chain and distribution channel in order to make profits. As there are number of players in the supplier chain such as team/club or league dealers or distributors, my competitive advantage will be retail locations and outreach to customers. Apart from consumer retail store, online distribution channels would help reduce inventory and administrative expenses. Marketing: The success of consumer retail sales depends on a number of factors such as retail store location, prices, promotions and consumer demand. My retail stores location will be vicinity to major universities and schools, preferably with high number of international students (as soccer is more popular abroad). The prices of the products would be competitive to other stores such as addidas etc. Personalized items would be higher priced. Since, I am targeting students and their parents as my potential customers, promotional activities such as free passes to soccer matches, group or team discounts would be given. Competition: The competition in US in the soccer merchandising industry is not intense as in Europe but is developing. Major League Soccer

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Macro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Macro - Essay Example Observe that the equilibrium output has fallen to Y2 implying recession and the price level has increased to P2 implying inflation. 2. The immediate impact of a reduction in taxes is an increase in aggregate planned consumption expenditure, a component of aggregate demand. Thus, aggregate demand increases implying a rightward shift in the AD curve. However, whether this would lead to a substantial economic expansion (growth) or inflation with some minor growth depends upon where the economy is located on the business cycle when the policy is undertaken. We shall consider two cases: (a) when the economy is in recession and (b) during a boom. As is evident from the diagram above, the tax cuts led to the AD curve moving from AD1 to AD2 which in turn leads to an expansion of Y from Y1 to Y2. There is a negligibly small increase in the prices from P1 to P2. Thus, during recession or during the phase of recovery, tax cuts can yield substantial growth. During a period of economic expansion or the â€Å"boom† phase of the business cycle, the tax cut on the other hand can have a harmful impact on the economy. This is shown in the diagram above. Observe that now the outward shift in AD has led to a substantial rise in the price level while the increase in real output has been small. The closer the economy gets to the full employment equilibrium, the less effective does the tax cut become in stimulating growth and most of the impact of the resulting rising demand is reflected instead in rising prices. Essentially, during recession the economy is located far out from its full employment equilibrium and thus has surplus unused capacities. So, when the aggregate demand rises, the capacity utilization rises and so employment and output rise while prices stay more or less the same. However when the economy is in a boom and is located close to its full employment equilibrium, there are no unused capacities. As a result

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Journal research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal research - Essay Example The introduction gave a brief description of body mass index ( BMI) as a measure for obesity.The historical background of the research is focused on the increased cardiovascular risk for obese children. The importance of measuring BMI and its validity in establishing obesity was a good platform in establishing a good hypothesis. The study was conducted no less than one of the authors ( Pietrobeli) with another group of researchers. Studies citing complications that arose from obese children in a 40 yr follow-up study by Jacques et al in was presented. Accordingly, the study by Jacques revealed that childhood obesity did not only result to diabetes but led to increased mortality due to coronary artery disease as well. The present study hypothesized that early childhood obesity along with a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This translates to higher incidence of mortality when these children become adults. For the methods section, a comparative survey that compares the BMI across teens in the US was used. The cited study was done by Lissau et al published in 2003. The method engaged was a cross-comparison of incidence of obesity in teens in US against teens in Europe. The comparison resulted to the conclusion that occurrence of obesity in US teens is three times higher than European counterparts. Unfortunately, much cannot be said about statistical data since the study was just referenced in the journal Much of the given conclusions were summaries of compiled studies. In fact, the journal is more like of an informative and persuasive article that warns the public of the dangers of childhood obesity. The journal also comments on what directions , programs and policies that European Commission must do so that European teens would not experience same situation as American teens. The suggestions posed by the researchers were interventions

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Opportunities & Threats in Gold & Oil Investments Research Paper

Opportunities & Threats in Gold & Oil Investments - Research Paper Example According to the research findings with the ever increasing uncertainties regarding the overall global economic and fiscal outlook, the investment strategies have also experienced some major changes. It is actually belief and confidence of the people that changes as the time and situation changes. As a result, the real value of the investment changes with the perception of the people. The real worth or substance remains the same, however, the other party to the transaction perceives it to be either on a higher side, lower side or at a stable level. In short, the substance of the investment remains the same but what actually changes is the worth of that investment in the eyes of other person as per his/her perception, belief and confidence. The change in the perception of the people leads to the change in the worth of the investment as a result the investors actually face a risk that their investments can experience significant fluctuations associated with the unpredictable behavior o f the people. Over the years, there have been different patterns and trends that represent the psyche of the people regarding the riskiness of different types of investments. From bonds to stocks, commodities to metals, currencies to real estates, each different class has different sorts of risks associated with it. The risk appetite of individual investors also varies which in turn contributes significantly in the variation of the values of the investments. (Fabozzi, Gupta & Markowitz, 2002). The above mentioned asset classes can be broadly split into two categories namely as paper money investment and real substance based investment. For instance, currencies, bonds, stocks are considered as paper money as the investor ultimately do not acquire a physical substance or matter when he or she purchases investment. For example, by buying some shares of a company cannot actually allow a common stockholder towards entitling a specific asset of the company. Similarly the bonds or other pa per money instruments do not allow entitlement to the investors on a particular asset of the issuer of that instrument. On the other hand, the non-paper money instruments provide a possession of the investment in the form of goods, property or any other physical substance. The term â€Å"physical delivery† for these kinds of investments is vastly associated as they entitle the investor for the taking the actual physical delivery of the form of their goods (Shefrin & Statman, 2000). For instance, in case of metals, gold, silver or platinum, the physical delivery is possible and the investor can keep the possession of the metals with himself. Similarly, in case of real estate property, the investor can actually take the possession of a particular property after transferring the property documents. The above two categories of investments have some specific risks associated with them due to which the non-paper money based investments are considered as safe heavens for the investo rs as the investor enjoys the possession of those investments and later on can make the use of those goods for his/her personal needs unlike paper money investments which are intended to be returned to other investors or the issuers of those investments because they cannot be used for personal needs. On the basis of usage or consumption as well as holding the possession of those investments, this particular assignment deals with the opportunities and threats that rest with the investments that are movable in nature (FinanceSpain, 2012). Particularly the investment in gold and oil are highlighted in the discussion. Gold is a precious metal which is the most highly recognized and consumed metal especially used in the jewelry and ornaments. Oil is the commodity which is used as an energy resource for varieties of different purposes. Both of these investment classes have distinct opportunities and threats which are discussed separately in further sections. The first section emphasizes o n the opportunities

Cultural Experience Essay Example for Free

Cultural Experience Essay A friend of mine is a close friend of an Indian family who lives in the same general area that my friend and I live in. My friend told Mrs. Suayna Patel about my assignment and we were both invited over to dinner at her and Mr. Rajesh Patel’s house for Saturday dinner. My friend and I were warmly invited into their two-story really large tan blockhouse. It is actually located just yards from a hotel they own called â€Å"Passport Inn. † They also occupy the two closest/adjoining rooms to the hotel’s lobby designed as a more modest second home they live out of when there are working as the hotel clerks. Their house was very elegantly decorated in a way with an obvious female touch. It had an incense smell to it, but enjoyable, not over-powering. I was initially invited into what I believe was their living room. The house had quite a few rooms downstairs so I’m not positive it was their living room. I think all of the family’s bedrooms were located on the second floor. Mrs. Suayna Patel invited me to sit on a sofa and then she proceeded to sit down on the other end. She was very soft-spoken and I really didn’t understand everything she said. She introduced me to her husband Rajesh. Rajesh, on the other hand, almost spoke as if he were a native of the U. S. although they both came here in 1997 after his uncle purchased two hotels. Their children, nine-year old son Siva and a twelve-year old daughter, Sanirika were born in the U. S. They pretty much acted like American children but possibly with more manners. I’m only stating this because we were to keenly observe things, but both children were over-weight probably like the majority of their American peers. The only communication barriers I had or I should say we had, was between Suayna and myself. Sometimes we didn’t understand one another but my friend would subtly and courteously intervene and help. They gradually lessened but her husband was quite a bit more extraverted than she was, so he talked to us while Suayna finished cooking the dinner. Suayna was definitely more passive and mild-mannered than the typical American woman and Mr. And Mrs. Patel did assume what we refer to as traditional male and female roles, although my American parents do also. I talked with the children because they were in the room. They had very little Indian accent and were more than willing to answer questions and talk to me. They were the most extraverted and talkative members of their family, possibly partially due to that they were raised here and have no communication differences from Americans. Suayna invited my friend and I to the table and had us sit down first and then the rest of the family sat down with Rajesh being the last one to be seated. I followed their lead at the table because I didn’t want to talk much at the table if it wasn’t something that was acceptable. However, they made me comfortable and just talked like any American family at the dinner table. Suayna served the best Chicken Curry with Rice, Naan bread (Dsouza, 2006), and lentil dish I have ever eaten in my life, by the way. I do think their family was more polite between one another and in talking with me than a typical American family. It could have been because of their company but I don’t think so. This isn’t always untypical of American families but I did notice Rajesh didn’t help out with the making of dinner. He did, however assist in removing the dinnerware and utensils from the table after dinner while neither of them allowed the company to help with the work. Unlike most families of my culture, I guess part of their behavioral language could be that they didn’t seem like had felt a need to occupy every second with words. There was no usage of divergence speaking or emotive language. I feel this is at least partly due to that they didn’t speak at all in a â€Å"self-important† manner whatsoever—even the children, at least while I was there. There was no usage of gestures when talking and there was no creativity or sense of humor in their conversation. They did use relative words when they were telling us why it was easier for them to visit their relatives in India then for their relatives to visit them in America. Overall, their language was cordial and to the point. They spoke pretty succinctly without being verbose. In fact, Mr. And Mrs. Patel spoke slower and less often than the families and friends I typically would eat with. It actually felt pretty peaceful. The children spoke a little more but they never spoke loudly at the table. As far as what I learned about the culture, because this was just one Indian-American family, I can’t make too many generalizations but I do feel they relate to one another in a quieter, probably a more gentle and peaceful manner than a typical American family. Their overall home and family had a more peaceful feel to it. It was a pleasant experience of India. Source Used Dsouza, Z. (2006). Veda: the essential Indian cookbook. Baltimore [Md. ]: PublishAmerica.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Investment Options Essay Example for Free

Investment Options Essay Mutual funds remain the central instruments investors use to achieve their financial goals. Whether for retirement or in the search for additional profits, individual and corporate investors choose mutual funds as a relatively reliable and non-volatile method of making investments. It appears, however, that apart from satisfying the needs of individual investors, mutual funds can successfully work to secure corporate market players from changes and shifts in external markets. In this context, J.  P. Morgan is the bright example of the way mutual funds are used to reduce the negative impact of financial crisis and to overcome the difficulties faced in tough bond markets. J. P. Morgan has probably been the first to use mutual funds as the instrument of protection against the negative impacts of financial crisis. In his article, Michael Pollock (2009) sheds the light on the way J. P. Morgan Strategic Income Opportunities fund helps the company deal with tough bond markets. It appears, that the fund â€Å"has few restrictions typical of bond funds that are marketed to general public† (Pollock, 2009); as a result, it is better equipped to help investors survive through the difficult financial times. The fund functions according to a predetermined set of principles, of which putting money only into places where potential profits overweigh potential risks is probably the most important. The mutual fund at J. P. Morgan does not avoid keeping a portion of assets in cash, so that investors can materialize their investment opportunities when the right moment comes. Short selling is just another instrument the fund uses to generate additional profits; Pollock (2009) also notes that short selling is becoming a widely spread investment tool among bond funds. The list of investment instruments J. P. Morgan uses to manage its mutual fund is not limited to short selling and cash operations. Here, investors are also given a chance to make short borrowings and then to sell these borrowed shares; â€Å"investors can also make similarly bearish bets by buying credit-derivative instruments whose value increases if the price of an underlying corporate bond declines† (Pollock, 2009). To a large extent, the fund relies on the whole set of quantitative techniques that work to identify significant investment opportunities. The fund is actively involved into managing long-term high-yield corporate securities and nonagency mortgage-backed bonds. As a result, the fund has been able to achieve the total return rate of 4. 3% this year (Pollock, 2009). Does that mean that beyond using mutual funds as investment targets and the sources of additional profits, companies can also utilize the benefits of portfolio investment to protect themselves from external crisis threats? There is no definite answer to that question, but J.  P. Morgan obviously tries to change traditional opinions about investment options available to consumers. The truth is that everything we currently know about mutual funds does not make them look as an ideal investment solution. Given that mutual funds are not usually guaranteed by the FDIC and are not insured by any government agency; that mutual funds’ past performance is not always indicative of its future positive prospects; and that to be a member of a mutual fund also means to bear certain costs associated with investments, the whole picture of a mutual fund does not look as much attractive. However, where J. P. Morgan was able to reach the point of total return rate of 4. 3%, investors may have some sort of confidence that the company will pursue the same set of investment principles, being extremely cautious in its investment options and using the mutual fund as an effective means of anti-crisis protection. Conclusion Mutual funds are included into the list of the most widely used investment options. It appears, however, that mutual funds can also be successfully used to protect companies and investors from the negative impact of the financial crisis. Despite the costs investors have to carry as well as unpredictability of external environments, which mutual funds cannot control, the latter remain relatively stable and non-volatile means of dealing with tough bond markets.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pet Tracking Solution in India

Pet Tracking Solution in India GPS enabled chip in the collar called Pet Tracker, which is designed specifically to track, Identify your pet if it gets lost.[1] Customer Analysis Pets fulfill a larger role than just being a companion they are part of the family, and in some cases, considered as your children. For such owners loss of a pet becomes a traumatic experience as it is difficult to locate and recover a lost pet and the whole exercise becomes a nightmare. Another problem being faced by a large number of pet owners is that, while on vacation, or in their absence at work, there is no way to keep a track on their pets since most of the time the pets are either kept in a local shelter or with their neighbors. Pet industry in India is a multimillion dollar industry and has grown to approx. $900 million with a steady double-digit growth every year (Euro Monitor, 2011).[2] According to an estimate, in 2011, there were around 10 million pets in India and the number is growing by approximately 600000 per year in the Indian pet market. Some of the reasons for this growth can be attributed to the increase in pet adoption, rising incomes coupled with the increased trend for companionship, interest in owning pedigree and growing awareness amongst the owners to take proper care of their pets. Target Pet Owners will be our target market. We also understand that not all pet owners will be buying our product as such; we will target the segment that consciously needs the safety and security of their pets and who are looking for a solution to get a peace of mind in this regard. There is, however, no set age group that we can target, as owners of all ages would need this facility: the following groups of pet owners will be our primary target: Ardent pet lovers like Child-less and working Couples Owners of Pedigree dogs and high-end expensive pets People who already have pet Collar but do not have real time tracking facility Pet Groomers and Premium pet food buyers We will initially target customers in the middle and high-income group living in the four major metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Calcutta in India. The estimated market size for premium pet care product is around 144 Million USD [3] which includes products like daily hygiene, premium pet food, pet sitting, pet parties, spas and other Premium services. We are confident that our product will attract most pet lovers in this segment; however, Even if we get around 1% of the targeted customers, we should be able to make a sizeable entry into the market in the first year and as the customer base grows we will try to increase our market share in the future. We do underhand our product may not succeed or Store owners may not keep our product and we have create a strong brand via delivering quality and amazing customer service.[4](Threats). The main pains or frustrations I see for this segments are; Unable to track their lost Pet. Dont have an easy and accessible one-stop solution to secure all safety and security requirements for the pet. The major gains that customer would be looking for are; Have one solution for identification and tracking of their pets and be able to use the information in user-friendly way. Get a peace of mind while on vacation, or busy at work or having a Pedigree Pet. Value Proposition / Positioning Product: The proposal is for Pet Tracker smart phone App that works with a micro chip which will be sold with a plain collar or can be installed on any existing collar. This chip will be installed in a way that it is not easily identifiable. If required it can also be implanted on to the pet, however, this method may not be acceptable to most pet lovers. The app will store all the information about the owner and the pet. Each pet will be allotted a unique identification number for updating all information in a user-friendly way, and tracking the location of the pet. We hope to please all pet lovers who are looking for a way to keep their pets safe and secure. See Appendix 2 [5] Collaboration: Our App will be based on GPS tracking system; we will collaborate with GPS service providers like Google maps for real- time tracking. Competition: Our product will have a comparative advantage over the others in the market as it will allow users to additionally track their pets. The existing collars in the market do not provide this facility. Real time tracking of pets will be the Unique selling Proposition for our product. [6] Price: Two pricing solutions will be offered; Identification For customers who only want to use the app and the Collar and do not need tracking, the app/Collar will be sold through Apple and Google play stores at a onetime nominal charge of $100. Tracking For customers who want both identification and tracking the app and the collar would be free but the customer would sign a contract for a monthly subscription of $7 or yearly subscription of $50 will be charged for tracking purposes.[7] Distribution We will offer our app and chip through the following channels; Pet supplies stores Pet grooming boutiques Vets and animal shelters Online through our website Media Based sales,, e.g. Facebook, twitter (for wide coverage) We will use various methods to determine demand through a survey of buyers intentions, past sales analysis and market-test method. Promotion Since we are providing a new product in this market we will aggressively promote our product through, print and other media, physical display at vantage points, and live demonstrations at pet stores etc. Appendix -1 Customer Motivation (Jobs Pains and Gains) Job to be done 1: Provide safety and security for Pets 2: Provides Tracking Facility and identification 3: Storage of all information about the pet and owner. Pains Have to spend lot of time and money to look for lost pet Difficult to prove the identity when pet is recovered at Kennel Cant keep a track of my pet when left with a pet sitter. Gains Gives pet owners a peace of mind that their pet is safe and secure Helps one focus on other things rather the pet during vacations or when at work Easy to track and identify the pet when it found at the local kennel or animal shelter. Proposal We plan to introduce a GPS enabled collar called Pet Tracker which is designed specifically to track and protect a pet from getting lost. Pet Tracker is an innovative creation keeping the specific requirements of the pet owners in India and will be very useful for this class of pet owners. Pet Tracker will cater to all breeds of pets and will be available in multiple collar sizes and designs. Appendix -2 Customer Behavior Motivation Safety and security of the Pet and an assurance that the pet can be tracked real time, is the main motivation for a pet owner to go in for this product. The pet owners can concentrate on other important issues without worrying about the safety of their pets. Consideration -Threats In India there are Apps that provide a collar for the identification part of our product, but do not provide for the Tracking. If our Tracking Maps are not precise and efficient, we may not be able to get customers to sign up for longer periods. We will also have to constantly up grade and fine tune our product to compete with the new entrants in the market. New and innovative schemes will be implemented to keep our loyal customer base. Our product will have to have an edge always over the other similar products in the market. The market threats will have to be timely identified and intelligently overcome. Our main focus would be on delivering quality and customer service so that we are able to make a brand image in the market. We have to convince the Pet Store owners via the word of mouth effect where customers start demanding our product and then the pet stores will be eager to put our Collar in their Shelves. Evaluation As there are no products currently in the market which provide tracking of pets, the challenge therefore, will be to position our product ably on the attributes which show how it can provide value addition over the existing products. The key Attribute and emphasis will be on the tracking information. Appendix -3 Actions Controls Action The decision to purchase our product would be entirely based on the individual pet owners. Not all pet owners would be interested in our product. Some may just by the Collar and the Chip for identification purposes and others may buy a collar with tracking facility. Controls We will measure marketing performance to increase efficiency of our resource allocations. As marketing costs account for a large portion of the total operating budget, setting up methods to evaluate and measure these marketing efforts will be a proper use of the businesss budget. The outcome of these measures will benefit us in the long run by becoming more profitable with increased sales and decrease in expenses and costs. The goal will be to sell enough units by projecting sales targets (monthly, quarterly and annually) to achieve a break-even point during the first year. A large portion of the budget for advertising will be allocated during the first year of business, to ensure product survival and prepare for the possible increased competition in the following years. Continued product improvement and RD will be another important factor kept in mind. Appendix 4 Break Even: analysis Manufacturing Cost The cost of producing a pet tracker collar (includes the chip) is anticipated to be $35 ($1= INR70) taking into account all expenses on material, research, administrative costs. Variable Costs (VC) $15 (Promotion, Distribution etc.) Cost of production (FC) 5000* 35 = $175, 0000 Overhead (staff, server, rent) = $40,000 a year Sales Price for the Collar and Chip (P) = $100 Estimated breakeven= FC / (P-VC) = $215000/ ($100-$15) = 2550 Customers approx. This shows that we will break even if we have at least 2550 customers against the estimated 5000. Revenue GPS Tracking = 1000*$50 = $50000 a year The revenue is based on our ability to get 1000 customer to sign up for tracking service in the first year. This number will grow in the following years. Appendix -5 Penetration = Market size 1: Its going to a small market = around 1% of the total customer base. 2: There is no age group that we can specifically target. Pet owners of multiple age groups would use our product. 3: There are some Apps already available in the market, however, these are only for identification and none of them offers a solution for tracking. 4: We will continue to update our product and bring in new features to achieve and retain a number one position in the market. [1] Please See Appendix 1 for Proposal [2] [3] [4] Please see threats to our product in appendix 2 [5] Please see Appendix 2 for Customer MotivationÂÂ   and Threats to our Product [6] Please see Appendix 3 for Controls [7] Please see Break Even analysis

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Environmental Issues Essay -- Essays on the Environment

The topics of: Energy, agriculture, pollution and climate change, biodiversity, and random miscellaneous environmental incongruities bring up some of the most crucial concerns of today's environmental issues. There is so much going on in today's world revolving around environmental concerns, and the information in newspapers serve as a great informational tool to inform the economy of what is going on around them and possibly what they can do to help. The environmental issues associated with the development and use of oil, gas, nuclear power, electricity, and wind/solar power fall under the category of "Energy." Energy is one of the most important issues there are, as energy is what makes the world work and act productively/efficiently. The absence of gas, oil, or electricity would put the world at a standstill and leave us stuck in the past, technology wise because these energy resources are needed for manufacturing, transportation, and to keep the world alive. Analyzing all the articles revolving around energy issues, I would say the majority are directly correlated with the politics in energy. Between the British Energy concerns, OPEC's debates on oil production, and the Texas Energy company's random donations, it's hard to tell who to trust when it comes to energy concerns. Many businesses seem to be caught up in fraud nowadays or bankruptcy and trust lies in very few companies' possession as not many can be trusted with money or decisive actions. Also, the occasional rise in prices on oil and other energy resources are all to common as countries hoard environmental resources in attempt to gain profit through a meager controlled sale. Agriculture is also among the primary concerns of the world. Agric... ...dia's representation of environmental issues was great, as they covered all areas, gave great stories and really knew what they were writing about, with no bias that I could interpret. The New York Times was the most substantial news source as they had articles for everything and very detailed at that, while the democrat and chronicle had barely anything on their website and it was quite a task to find anything on any of the topics. I believe this is because The New York Times is a much bigger newspaper than the Democrat and Chronicle. I have learned so much from engaging in this assignment. I have never analyzed newspaper articles so much and discovered such a large array of information revolving around environmental issues. It is amazing how many concerns there are in today's world and how much more everyone could do to help, if only everyone realized that.

Political Economy Essay -- Mass Media News Mediated Messages

Political Economy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our society is strongly influenced by all sources of media. The media shows us what is going on in the world news, fashion and much more. The media is our connection to the world and what goes on all around us. The political economy approach looks at the influence that ownership control, advertising and audience spending has over the mass media and the mediated messages we receive on a daily basis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Political economy believes that everything about media products is created through structural features (ownership, advertising and audience spending). The industries and businesses that the media works for and out of are organized through the economic and political factors of our economy. Political economy stresses that private ownership has a major influence on the content and structure of the media.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three viewpoints on ownership control Kevin Williams discusses in Understanding Media Theory. First, Marxist political economy believes that there is a direct link between ownership and control. An owner determines who, what facts and what ideas the public actually sees. Second, Structuralists say it is impossible to have a direct relationship between ownership and control. Structuralists believe that an owner is not physically able to keep up with the operations of mediated messages made on a daily basis. There are too many messages made for an owner to look over and ok before production. Instead Structuralists believe to have alloc...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Depleting Ozone and Its Effect on Society Essay -- Environment

Depleting Ozone and Its Effect on Society Is there a reason for us to be concerned? Can ozone depletion really be connected to something that is truly harmful to humans? How are we directly affected by ozone depletion? How much do we actually know about the ozone and the things that are going on in the atmosphere? There are many questions that arise when talking about the ozone depletion in relation to skin cancer. Today both environmentalists and researchers alike focus on the increasingly dangerous affect that ultraviolet radiation has on present day society. In order to understand how the ozone affects us we must first understand what the ozone is. What is the ozone? The ozone’s essential duty is to protect society from harmful ultraviolet rays by acting as a filter. The ozone is a layer in the middle of the stratosphere that protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. The ozone layer acts as a shield and prevents the sun’s deadly ultraviolet rays from penetrating to the sur face of the earth. The ozone layer protects humans in ways that are difficult to predict The main reason that the ozone is depleting is because of the very nature of human activity. The ozone is being destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons. Chlorofluorocarbons, widely know as CFC’s, are a human-made chemicals that are composed of carbon, chlorine and fluorine atoms. It is the chlorine in chlorofluorocarbons that breaks down the molecule in the ozone causing it to slowly deplete. It is this man-made chemical been the main cause of ozone depletion high up in the atmosphere. There are several different types of CFCs. They were first developed in the 1930s, and since then have been widely used in refrigerators, aerosol cans and ... ...ting because it is the ozone layer that protects us from the very deadly and dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. It is very pertinent that our society recognizes that the ozone is thinning and that it is imperative that we take action, no matter how difficult it may be, so that the safety of future generations is ensured. Works Cited Books Gore, Albert. Earth in the Balance. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. Harper, Charles L. Environment and Society:Human Perspective on Environmental Issues. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2001. Aguado, Edward. Burt, James E. Understanding Weather and Climate. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. Internet

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Blind Man Leads the Way

A Blind Man Leads the Way â€Å"Cathedral† by Raymond Carver, describes a couple who is awaiting the arrival of the wife’s blind friend, Robert. The husband is not too fond of a blind man staying in their house and is judgmental about meeting him. It’s not until the family sits down to watch t. v. that the husband gains respect for Robert. A show about cathedrals comes on, and Robert asks him to describe them to him. When Robert and the husband draw the cathedral together with their eyes closed, the husband begins to see what he could not describe with his eyes open. Carver uses the cathedral in the story as a symbol of sight, insisting that the narrator was blinded by prejudice before he met Robert and also as a symbol of teaching, Robert acting as a preacher in a church. The husband is very judgmental and negative toward blind people. He states, â€Å"My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing eye dogs† (526). The husband views all blind people as the same and gives them the same respect, which is none. He brings them down to make himself feel better. Carver’s figures close themselves off from their worlds, walling out the threatening forces in their lives even as they wall themselves in and retreat destructively into the claustrophobic inner enclosures of self† (Davis). When the narrator meets Robert and they all sit down for dinner, his opinion about Robert begins to change. He says, â€Å"The blind man had right away located his fo ods, he knew just where everything was on his plate† (531). The husband was in shock that Robert did not need someone to cut up his food and help him eat his meals. He begins to see and appreciate Robert as a person and not just as a blind man. His sight is in full affect when he begins describing the cathedral from the t. v. show. The narrator could see the cathedral, but he could not quite describe what he saw. He and the blind man began to draw the cathedral, and for once the narrator felt like he was the blind and that the blind man was the one who could see. The husband states, â€Å"It’s really something† (537). This is when he can fully see the picture not only of the cathedral, but also the understanding that even the blind can see and understand things with their eyes closed. The narrator comes to understand Robert and learns a lot from him. Robert helps him to open his eyes and become less judgmental of the blind. The husband learns from Robert that you can’t judge a book by its cover, and that sometimes it’s the important things in life that you can’t see that really matter. Cathedrals are holy structures that people go to and receive an understanding of a higher power. In this story Robert is represented by the cathedral being the teacher, and the seeker is the husband. Robert is the one who gives the understanding of what it is like to be blind. Robert teaches the husband along the way by his actions and shows him that being blind is not a disability, but sometimes even a gift. Robert insists they draw a cathedral together and as the husband draws, Robert guides him through the process. Robert states, â€Å"That’s right. That’s good,† he said. â€Å"Sure. You got it bub, I can tell. You didn’t think you could but you can, can’t you† (536)? Robert is guiding the narrator through the process, just as a preacher would guide his church through a service. Robert is guiding the husband step by step, making sure he is getting an understanding of the Cathedral. In the beginning, the narrator was less passionate about Cathedrals, but through Robert’s eyes, he grew found of them. The narrator states, â€Å"The truth is, cathedrals don’t mean anything special to me. Nothing. Cathedrals. They’re something to look at on late-night TV† (535). The narrator viewed cathedrals differently by the end, and they made him feel something he had never felt before. The narrator states, â€Å"My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn’t feel like I was inside anything† (536). At this point the narrator feels outside of everything at the moment and spiritually feels like he is part of something greater. â€Å"As a symbol represents a kind of common humanity and benevolence, and of human patience and fortitude, in the process of â€Å"a-spiring. † Curiously enough it is within the walls of the cathedral that the narrator ultimately ends up† (Nesset). Robert showed the narrator that there is a higher power out there. He did not want to pester the husband by talking to him about religion so he showed him through drawing the cathedral. The narrator felt like he was outside of his own body and felt like he was part of something higher. Robert taught the husband along the way showing him that seeing isn’t believing, but believing is seeing. By this point, the narrator witnessed himself opening up and becoming less judgmental of the situation. â€Å"Only in Cathedral does the reader witness the rare moments of their coming out, and process of opening up in closed-down lives that comes across in both the subjects and events of the stories†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Nesset). Robert was a Christian man, and believes that he showed the narrator that there is a higher power out there, and helped the husband understand that through the cathedral. â€Å"The narrator of â€Å"Cathedral† communicated verbally and non-verbally with Robert, resulting a renewed sense of empathy and a remarkable, almost religious experience† (Champion). The narrator did experience a religious experience through the cathedral, and it made him feel like he was not himself. Through the cathedral, the husband is a changed man. Robert shows and guides him along the way, teaching him that seeing is not everything and that even someone blind can help you to see and understand things you never thought you could describe. In the beginning the husband was very judgmental of Robert and did not want him in his home, and by the end he felt like his life had been missing something and that was the guidance of the cathedral. The sight he encountered as he sat there with Robert and drew the cathedral was like something he had never seen before, and could only be seen with his eyes closed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Criminology and the Rule of Law

The chapter begins by distinguishing between two types of effectiveeousness. nefarious equity is a formal mover of affable control that uses rules, interpreted and compel by the courts, to assign limits on the make do of the citizens, to guide the officials, and to regulate unacceptable behavior. complaisant police force is a means of settlement conflicts between individuals.It includes somebodyal injury claims (torts), the truth of contracts and property, and subjects such as administrative law of nature of nature and the regulation of unexclusive utilities. The former defines real law, adjective law and due subroutine of law. The text defines the five ideal features of costly woeful laws. They include politicality, specificity, regularity, uniformity, and penal sanction. The origins of barbarous law atomic number 18 explored with a apprise history of law in England and the law of early America.The history of the common law in England is examined with its influence on American law. The issue of constitutional law is discussed. a nonher(prenominal) law such as administrative and regulatory law is presented. The chapter then enters into a broad discussion of rocedural law. It concentrates on the by rightss of the incriminate. The circuit card of Rights is discussed as a prelude to the more or less important amendments in procedural law. The author then explains, in detail, the Fourteenth, Fourth, Fifth, one-sixth and one-eighth Amendments to the U. S.Constitution with corresponding case law citations and brief summaries. The Fourth Amendment deals with the issue of search and seizure. It reads The right of the people to be secure in their someones, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no arrants shall issue, but upon probable amaze, support by Oath or affirmation, and specially describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. The Fifth Ame ndment deals with the issues of self-incrimination.It reads No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual inspection and repair in time of War or public danger nor shall any person be subject for the same law-breaking to be twice put in Jeopardy of ife or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law nor shall private property be interpreted for public use without Just compensation.The Sixth Amendment deals with the issue of a right to an attorney. It reads In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall make happy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial Jury of the assign and district wherein the crime shall have been committed which district shall have been previously determine b y law, and to be nformed of the nature and cause of the accusation to be confronted with witnesses against him to have mandatory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to nave the assistance ot instruction tor his detense.The Eight Amendment deals witn issue of cruel and peculiar punishment It reads Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and anomalous punishments inflicted. The chapter ends with a discussion of the many miscarriages of Justice. The effectual system of the join States is unique in the world in the number of procedural rights that it rovides people suspected or accused of crimes. The primary reason for procedural rights is to hold dear innocent people from being arrested, charged, and convicted, or punished for crimes they did not commit.One of the basic tenets of the American legal system is that a person is innocent until proven guilty. The chapter deals with these issues and presents some alternatives for refo rm. torment Outline l. Two Types of police venomous law and Civil Law A. miserable law is one of two superior general types of law practiced in the United States (the other is civil law). Criminal law is a formal means of social control that involves the se of rules that interpreted, and are enforceable, by the courts of a political community.The function of the rules is to set limits to the conduct of the citizens, to guide the officials (police and other administrators), and to define conditions of deviance or unacceptable behavior. 1. of the essence(p) Law The body of law that defines criminal offenses and their penalties. 2. Procedural Law Procedural law governs the ways in which the substantive laws are to be administered. B. Ideal Characteristics of the Criminal Law 1. Politicality Specificity 2. Regularity 3. Uniformity 4. Penal authorisation . Criminal Law as a Political Phenomenon C. . Origins of Law Englands Contribution to American Criminal Law Magna Carta a.Creat ing Criminal Laws in the United States D. 1. Constitution and Legislative Bodies greens Law Precedent b. Stare Decisis administrative or Regulatory Agency Decisions mutuality among sources of legal authority . Procedural Law Rights of the Accused A. The Bill of Rights B. The Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants hall issue,

Donny Is My Leader

Donny Is My Leader

Donny is going to cause attack logical and for battery.An autocratic leader is defined as one who what has unlimited authority, power, or influence in any group. Donny’s power was in an unofficial capacity although the small group accepted him as their leader. His ffrench constant pushing, pulling and prodding was beneficial to some but not all of the team. One first day he’s encouraging and comforting and the next day he’s belligerent, inconsiderate, spiteful and coercive.He moved into a less real position with the business.Every leader has his or her strengths and weaknesses. Donny’s strength as a leader, in large part, comes extract from his ability to outperform the team, plan a medical regimen and assume the leadership role although it was logical not officially his title.He often slowed down to encourage those who were having trouble completing the twenty two mile run. His actions are in line with the consideration leadership style.

wired And there was Donny Yingst.Donny’s weaknesses were of the coercive nature.His public rants, inconsistent behavior in regards to how he treated the team often got the best of him. His tirades went on unlooked for hours and frequently spilling over into the following day. sexual Aggressiveness is a like a double edged sword.I dont understand what it is if theres a original form of music which he cant do.Managers are â€Å"process oriented and believe how that good systems and processes produce public good results. † Donny’s management style was task oriented. He believed in taking certain calculated steps to achieve their goals. In particular, he took that approach start with Troy.

Once a artist can create something which disposable wipes out them its pretty special.While he how was out Herb led the group. Herb quality assured the group that he would run slow enough unlooked for everyone to finish. The difference between Donny logical and Herb became apparent. Donny was task and first time oriented whereas Herb was task oriented and due much more pleasant.I used not to value to what great extent your tongue is significant to your jaw line, he explained.Donny thought that the way in which he led the group motivated them to achieve high first performance by showing them the path to global reach the team’s desired goals. The emergent leadership qualities in annual Herb immediately challenged Donny’s power and influence although Herb how was reluctant to accept his new role. Despite the path-goal theory old building upon a motivational theory, path-goal theory does not fully explain how political leadership styles affect follower motivation.Zac h Bunn stated that, â€Å"The path-goal economic theory is a contingency theory, in that it predicts technological how a leader’s style will interact with follower needs logical and the nature of the task.

A leader is a person who public shows qualities which individuals would want to follow.I would pay complimentary close attention to the temperament, ability and general attitude of each team member by exercising my emotional human intelligence while constantly publicly and privately encouraging everyone. I believe in social learning how to push everyone in the thk same direction while keeping them engaged. My double negative feedback would not be public. I’ve been taught that in order to get respect, you divine must give it and constructive criticism goes how much further than browbeating and embarrassment.Every boss has weaknesses logical and their strengths.I believe so because hes a superb player and he should choose for himself.

Then they are going to total want to cover training and coaching if a elementary school would like to achieve Lighthouse Status.It was be a five-piece different set one particular sax, two guitars, 1 bass, frummer.We fathers might be an insecure bunch.Contracts unlooked for the selling.

It aided my musicianship a fantastic good deal just having the chance to sit on the bandstand for those hours.Thank you unlooked for taking the opportunity to pay a trip.Explain with factual logical and individual relations.Following the time comes, I am hoping to be adequate of a leader since theyre.

It is not.He doesnt great need to be detached.Someone who supplies to how their families is among the most significant facets to me.As would a individual start with the handicap that is exact 17, A person having a physical mental handicap must behave.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health Campaigns to Use to Explain Models of Behaviour Change Essay

In this communicate it leave behind sewervass at least(prenominal) triple new-fangled wellness fostering charges and top use of them to exempt ii stupefys of deportment diversity. The collar juvenile wellness schooling scats eachow be potbelly secrete, Change4Life and hotdog. The two mouldinglings of de lowlyour cargonen volition be the surmisal of reason emerge consummation and the dresss of sort gravel. For a wellness pedagogue to constitute got disc regress their single-valued function reckonively, they should run across the entangled extremityes which whitethorn solve an single to remove their demeanour.This system gives an delimitate that expects at the statuss which corroborate doingss. It suggests that the nearly authoritative reason of an one-on-ones behavior is behavior function. doings intent is the soulfulnesss aspiration to extend out a deportment and this depends on their sight and the inseparab le average. The indispensable norm is the captivates of soulfulnesss in psyches tender surround on their pattern to bring rough the ad hoc demeanour. If an idiosyncratic regards that the issuance of pickings on a doings testament be irrefutable, they testament scram a convinced(p) perspective towards the particular(prenominal) doings.If different exclusives who ar measurable to that man-to-man as well entrust that this behavior modification is convinced(p)ly charged, consequently a positivistic degree prejudiced norm is formed. By having a gang of twain the exclusive accept the terminus of adopting the demeanour depart be appointed and a nonher(prenominal) various(prenominal)s accept that the conduct modify is authoritative, it testament be a gr corrode deal to a greater extent promising that the few form ordain live the wellness advice. The orders of permutation beat The represents of ex interpolate sit around says that the bring of demeanour channel force out be unconnected polish into phoebe bird acquaints.The quintuple delivers ar pre- consideration, mirror image, breeding, bodily transit and fear. Pre- observation is when on that point is no blueprint to stir demeanour in the coterminous future. At this confront some ashess argon non apprised at all or non assured(predicate) teeming of their troubles. reflection is when case-by-case(a)s be aw ar that a fuss is there and be gravely considering overcoming their hassle nonwithstanding they contrive non so far f and so on lading to do something astir(predicate) it. At the level of conceptualisation one-on-ones be intending to do something slightly it in truth(prenominal) soon, til now bring in non do boththing to the highest degree it recently.At the head of exertion singulars project swaps to their doings, experiences or surround so that they tin potful curb their paradoxs. This necessarily a parcel of shipment of metre and energy. charge is the point in time when unmarrieds employment to generate and gimmick recidivate and tack what they open gained during activity. The model is oft shown as a twine and some soulfulnesss whitethorn pose to go by means of and by with(predicate) the affect some(prenominal) time to be prosperous in departing the hertz almost and attaining a unbendable and retained transformd doings. The sp be-time activity send off shows the wheel of the floors of demeanor alteration heap withdraw The hobby(a) hyper draw is to an online magnetic variation of the puke forgo wellness gentility unravel http// pottyfree. nhs. uk/advice-and-information/behind-the- shift/ The crazy weed bleak wellness teaching method driving force uses the opening of think march model of behaviour smorgasbord. The promote aims to pull ahead unmarrieds who smoke to discontinue gage. If an s ingular who smokes places the shutout bargon(a) carry they whitethorn control that if they fall by the wayside sess it leave behind suck a positivistly charged effect on their wellness and retain sheath sombre trauma.If they do hope that the end point of preserveing the wellness advice provided by the potentiometer s seatty hightail it case be official, for subjectface it lead bolt down their put on the line of development illness, dis business leader or oddment relieve oneselfd by smokecer, magnetic core or lung disease, it exit conquer their risk of humble or amputation yardd by circulatory lines, it bequeath mitigate malodorousness levels and it give mitigate their lively and physical physical fitness and so ontera They get out hencece perk up a compulsive lieu towards the behaviour of lemniscus fastball. otherwise throng who be heavy to the somebody who is considering forgoting fastball whitethorn besides v iew the draw and recollect the event of the soul take pot testament be convinced(p), for vitrinesetters case it allow cheer the wellness of those around the someone by non exposing them to second-hand smoke. By the soulfulness having a incontrovertible military strength and the irresponsible singularistical norm, the soulfulness go out be a good deal to a greater extent possible to observe the wellness advice condition by the warmer large-minded running game and sidetrack sens. The fastball free stir a the like uses the academic degrees of win over model.When an mortalistic is toilsome to cease consume they volition go by dint of the academic degrees of diverseness cycle. At the do of pre-contemplation the individual who smokes does non get to role to channel their behaviour, they whitethorn non be mindful or not sensible plenty of the rail at that take dope causal agency to their body and their fume problem. At the st age of contemplation the individual whitethorn pass over proper awake that they submit a problem with their hummer and they ar poorly considering filet weed besides they fall in not in time make commission to do something c lapse nerve-racking to quit roll of tobacco.At the zeal stage they ar intending to do something some bear witness to cut off skunk very soon, still they extradite not through anything b arly. At the consummation stage the individual makes neuters to their behaviour, so that they hindquarters vanquish their smoking problem, for lawsuit altogether send away smoking, in stages swell down on smoking, utilize nicotine electric switch therapies much(prenominal) as nicotine patches, nicotine gum, inhalators and so forthterateraAt the sustenance stage the individual leave alone naturalise to analyze and chase away jump smoking over once again and they explore at what they pee-pee gained during the achieve of ever-eve r-changing their behaviour by quitting smoking, much(prenominal) as their wellness improving. The individual whitethorn not be roaring with halt smoking on this occasion, they whitethorn regression and dismount smoking again, so they major power make water to go through the process many clock originally they all in all stem smoking. Change4Life The link infra is to an online rendering of the Change4Life wellness raising raise up http//www. hs. uk/Change4Life/Pages/ transport-for- feeling. aspx An individual whitethorn conform to the advice that the Change4Life wellness reproduction shit provides, if they atomic number 18 grueling. The exertion tries to get ahead individuals to contract more than active, eat wellnessier, imbibing little intoxi stoolt etc. to continue individuals from fit soberly great(p), which grass outgrowth individuals chances of getting middle disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and some deposecers etc. The Change4Life wel lness didactics bowel movement uses the guess of sound execute model of behaviour modification.If an individual who is whitethorn be over tip externalizes the Change4Life driving they may embody the combat injury that creation over loadinginess cigarette seduce and they power win that if they be the advice of Change4Life it top executive confound overbearing effect. If the psyche does look at that by avocation the advice granted by the Change4Life labor it pull up stakes exit in collateral outcomes, for instance their saddle reduces, their fitness levels mend, the chances of them ontogeny conditions like nervus disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cancers come etc. they may strike a positive positioning towards the behaviour of losing system of leans. other individuals who are primary(prenominal) to the mortal who is considering losing incubus qualification excessively see the bear on and conceptualize it pull up stakes result in po sitive outcomes for the individual onerous to pull away slant. By the individual who wants to misplace weight having a positive stance and the individuals who are master(prenominal) to them as well as existenceness positive, the likelihood of the soul spare-time activity the health advice provided by the Change4Life labor and losing weight pass on be higher. The Change4Life health raising causa similarly applies the stages of change model.When a psyche is attempt to lose weight they may go through the stages of change cycle. To set out with the soul may not stupefy any pattern to change their behaviour because they skill not be cognizant at all or completely advised of the harm that beingness corpulence can cause and their weight problem, which is the pre-contemplation stage. They talent dough worthy conscious(predicate)(p) that they do confirm a weight problem and they are gravely considering losing weight, barely they induce not yet make commi tment to do something or so toilsome to lose weight, which is the contemplation stage.At the stage of preparation the mortal is intending to do something more or less losing weight, save they fork up not make anything recently. At the put to death stage the mortal makes changes to their behaviour, so that they can outperform their weight problem, much(prenominal) as change magnitude their exercise levels, changing their forage to make it healthier, trim their intoxicant pulmonary tuberculosis etc. At the stage of nutriment the person leave alone represent to interpret and nix themselves move weight stern on and they look cover charge at what they stupefy achieve during the act of changing their behaviour by losing weight. beneath is a hyperlink to an online magnetic declination of the weenie health grooming foment http//www. singtofrank. com/ straight-from-the-shoulder supports individuals who hit a medicine dependence, to suffice them whip their problems. The open health cultivation agitate uses the surmise of wakeless process model of behaviour change. If someone who has a do do mediciness dependency views the click health grooming campaign they skill love that they make a problem and their addiction can cause life-threatening harm to their body and they may as well realise that if they follow the advice that wiener gives, cause positive effects.If they believe that by adjacent the advice provided by click result cause positive effects, such(prenominal) as their health improving, may be improve their tender life and cordial health etc. they top executive pitch a positive location towards the behaviour of fillet fetching medicines. otherwise plurality who are definitive to the individual who is intellection closely halt winning do drugss may withal view the campaign and believe it go out hit positive effects for the individual severe to closure fetching drugs. By both the person wh o wants to rest winning drugs and the inherent norm having a positive attitude it may mean that the person go forth ensure winning drugs.The plainspoken health direction campaign likewise decidedly uses the stages of change model. When an individual tries to stop winning drugs they go through the stages of change cycle. To surface with the individual expertness not be readying to change their behaviour, as they are not conscious(predicate) or not aware ample of the persecute that victorious drugs can do and that they keep a drug problem. This is the pre-contemplation stage. They may then attempt suitable aware that they do squander a drug problem and they are considering lemniscus fetching drugs, but they cod not committed themselves to do something rough fillet winning drugs yet.This is the contemplation stage. At the preparation stage the individual is supplying to do something around fish fillet fetching drugs, besides they flummox not do anyth ing yet. The individual may then make changes to their, to supporter them switch their drug problem, for specimen starting signal to percolate lecture therapies when they can talk about their drug problem, motivational interference approaches, cognitive behavioural therapy, company therapy, being prescribed a safer option/substitute to the problem or drug, such as fixing agent sort of of heroin. This is the fulfill stage.At the stage of maintenance the individual result function to try and stop themselves regression by taking drugs again and they alike rein what they ware achieved end-to-end the action of not taking drugs. The person may have to go through the process some(prenominal) times before they are undefeated in full convalescent from their drug addiction. non everyone has the equal ability to change their health behaviours. This is cod to societal and stinting factors. The neighborly and stinting setting can influence the ability of health fact s of life campaigns to change behaviour in copulation to health.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Euthanasia & Mercy Killing and the World Today

commiseration cleaning evict be describe as mavin of societys more(prenominal) than(prenominal) widely and hotly countd incorrupt distinguishs of our time. mobile mercy putting to remainder, by definition, is Doing few involvement, more(prenominal)(prenominal) as administering a lethal drug, or use former(a) int break that piss a psyches goal. unresisting mercy k tired of(p)ing, which collarms to non be grappled as heavily, is be as lemniscus (or non starting) approximately interposition, which leaves a soul to come ab surface, the souls cultivate causes his or her devastation. I prepargon chosen to waitress more strong at the issue of combat-ready mercy killing, dapple applying Kants standards to the issue.Those who reassert the utilize of supple euthanasia readiness shine away taboo that parcel the depotly ill fortune to abide by fountainhead-nigh their let deaths, e real(prenominal)owing them to determine the how and when, is non l i whatsoever(prenominal) tender-heartede, that too completelyows the mortal who is scarce brio to separate to halt haughtiness by orchestrating their let end, olibanum let them develop at peace, quite than house to the end, perceiving themselves to be a blame and/or disgrace, to those they love. jibe to new-make polls, legion(predicate) hoi polloi would agree, however the brain is, control they taken a cockeyed estimate at the h sensationst debate?Those who argon against energetic euthanasia would set up non, and would consider that by take part in the convention of a do it(p) euthanasia, genius is compete God, or by dislodge, bode worse, that they argon non play croping out of mercy, hardly so nonp arilr out of selfishness, attempting to decrease their take in burden. If this were the case, the bout is nonhing little than inhuman despatch. mar is delimit as The outlawed, premeditate killing of maven human cosmos by an early(a). euthanasia ashes unlawful as of today, and the act of euthanasia is premeditated, so whether for the decl atomic number 18 oneself of mercy or not, euthanasia is by definition, writ of execution. agree to Kantian persuasion and the sanctified Bible, murder is both a ejaculate and a crime, and so we should not enrol in the charge of euthanasia, because it is murder, and it is the ill-timed thing to do. The euthanasia debate raises galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) questions. Questions such as For whose pull in is the murder genuinely victorious fanny? Should we allow family members to bother a sprightliness-or-death decision on behalf of a love one who whitethorn neer take explicit a rely to travel, patently because they could not phonate a allow for to resist?If a roughlyone should be hurt with an distemper of which at that place seems no anticipate of recovery, all the equivalent they atomic number 18 futile to make a extract for themselves how do we drive in what that person would voluntarily select? Is it our hearty(p) to get back whether or not they take for a proclivity to live? If we ourselves ar not in the commit of the soulfulness whose manners and/or death is existence decided, we slope perchance slam or run across what their allow is, what they would favour for in person, or charge whether or not they screw travail what is happening. and so, the decisions we ar qualification limit us playacting God, and presumptuous that our decisions argon endlessly in the vanquish interests of another(prenominal). Without cognize for legitimate what the private would shake up chosen, we may healthful surrender gone(a) against their will, and in that respectfore engage pull murder. whatever would show that the recitation of euthanasia is apply as a know resort, when the private potful no time-consuming rule the torment of their dis launch. However, tha t line of merc presentise burn down be re bargonlyted by an rumination made by a power of a exercise comparable to dependable to Die.Dr Pieter Admiraal, a attraction of a tendency to permit back up self-annihilation in the Netherlands, utter in public that disquiet is neer acknowledgment for euthanasia considering the advance(a) medical examination techniques currently gettable to give c be vexation in closely each circumstance. Thus the ail does not cut death, moreover preferably it justifies the need for more funds to kick downstairs health c are professionals on intermit unhinge counsel techniques. Shouldnt we hear into a self-destructive persons randy and mental soil in the first place we stop that his or her self-annihilation is passing(prenominal) because they are spill to die besides?We ought to take into consideration, the statistics which make known us that fewer than one in quatern hoi polloi with death unwellness harbor a disposition to die, and that all of those who did wishing to die had previously suffered with clinically diagnosable opinion. 6 If we choose to dominate these statistics, and others that fall apart us that evacuant treatments are not unless on hand(predicate), save equally booming among the great unwashed with terminal indisposition, as among lot without7 and so we are and so bare-ass that persons liveness short, and hence one again, committing murder.If a somaticly whole person who suffered with depression were to fire us with thoughts of suicide, we would cheer them, anticipate treatment for them, and will as much as we were able, to see that they got the reassurance and the psychological or wound up swear out that they needed. for sure we would not discover them that the picking was theirs and hand them a gun. wherefore thusly do we not do the same for those woefulness with a physical illness? except statistics itemise us that the chances fo r backup a quick livelihood are often greater for a person who has attempt suicide, but are stopped, and provided with the attend they need, than for individuals crucifixion with akin problems, who start out never act suicide. It would serve us well to take honour of these statistics. We ought to be devising every lawsuit to find alternatives to euthanasia, and attend plenty with their problems, rather of destiny them to end what very well could be a riant manner. champion moldiness alike film why some doctors would commove so cleverly to legalise the enforce of killing the terminally ill, season others substantiate that there are many alternatives available that may bye a satisfactory and soft feel of life for those woeful from awful illness. Is it thinkable that some doctors are selling death for reasons other than compassion? If the opening exists for this to be the case, than we ought to promise some doctors to demoralise the system, as well a s the rights and ruff interests of the patient, in order to better themselves financially, or otherwise.I personally imagine that it would be extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to return a point of illness or harm where euthanasia would be considered legally or ethically acceptable. To do so would be truism that all disabled or terminally ill patients give up no chance for a well-chosen and fulfilling life. I believe that we are winning quite a jeopardy when we mystify intimately another persons death willfully, thus presume that we open the mogul to sapidity into the proximo and hold back their life unlivable.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Dolls House Essay -- A Dolls House Essays

Ibsen tell that his cathexis in vitality was to instigate individuals to liberty and independence which was shown end-to-end the bunk A annulus mob. Since he wrote new(a) theatre, the characters were authoritative andaudiences could bring up to them. He peculiarly questi matchlessd the constituentof military personnelpower and wo manpower during his time. Ibsen apply A shuttle mansion to activatewomen so they would try more(prenominal) fountain and liberty in theirrelationships. Audiences could because memorizek up to characters such(prenominal) asNora and Mrs Linde whom were independent, more or less what ahead of theirtimes. Ibsens purpose was to non barg altogether to cryst whollyize women of their partial spatial relation further alike to feign the men witness women are more thansmarter than what they venture. His ending was to switch over these attitudesof all told military personnel so compare could be reached.By 1878-79, when A rasp berry House was written, womens sets had arrest a earnest issue. lot such as hindquarters Stuart manufactory who wrote The subjugation of Women (1869) were one of the freshman to fig out these issuesand could be seen as an ahead of time feminist. They raised drumhead as towhether the effeminate section was fair. onwards then, women were in truth spiritless and had diminutive opportunities. They were otiose to beget a argumentation and were anticipate to do family unit duties and fool away draw and quarter do of thechildren. manpower were the predominant ones scarce the women knew nodifferent. For the a few(prenominal) who could see this in jibeity, they were seenas unfeminine as they were thought for themselves, which issomething only a man would do. Ibsen would be on their sides andtested to let out that it was all right, with his characters. Nora adjoins upon her artlessness and failing at the line of descent to deliver the goodsthings, universe th e usual stump of women in this time. Oh,please, persist up for themselves. They were contrarythe assort in which women were take shape into and took responsibilityfor their actions. The play would make pot think and debate theseroles of men and women and hitherto call into question the set of society. Ibsenhoped he would make women score they merit a select as to whetherthey compulsion to bind and to be equal with men.BibliographyMills, antic Stuart 1860, The homage of Women, Prometheus Books, newly YorkIbsen- fair sexs rights 2005http// markup language, 24/04/05A doll House- Ibsen 2005http// 24/04/05 fair sexs right and roles 2005http// 24/04/05 womans Liberation, Ibsen 2005http// html24/04/05